Saturday, 21 February 2015

Operating Systems 1 Lab 4 – DOS Batch File Creation

DOS Batch File Creation

In this lab I began by creating two text files in notepad. I added the same text into both and saved them. I then created a third file, added some specific text to it and saved it as a .bat file, which is a backup file. Next I navigated through MS DOS to where I saved the files and then I entered in the name of the third file, MakeABackup. MS DOS executed the piece of text in this file which then created a copy of the previous two text files and saved these copies as a backup.

Operating Systems 1 Lab 3 – Linux Commands

Linux Commands

Command = "ls -la"
The list command shows all of the major directories filed under a given file system.

Command = "pwd"
The print working directory command shows the current folder as an absolute path

Command = "man man"
This command displays a help page/manual for the different commands.

Command = "ls"
The list command shows all of the major directories filed under a given file system.

Command = "cd ."
This is the change directory command which enables you to switch between different directories.
Command = "cd .."
This change directory command moves up one folder in the directory.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Operating Systems 1 Lab 2 – DOS Commands

DOS Screen grabs

 The "cd .." command is used to change directory. It navigates back to the last directory that it was on
 The "cls" command is used to clear the screen. it removes all the writing on the screen that may be in the way and lets you continue where you left off.
The "dir" command shows the full directory of the location you are in. It shows all files and folders so you can see what you want to pick next.
the "echo hello world" command displays the world that is written after the word echo. it echoes what is written down.
 The "help" command provides instructions to all the commands that you can enter into the command prompt and what each one will do.
The "path" command shows the current path information but is also used to specify the location where DOS looks when using a command 
The "tree" command displays a tree listing of the current directory, showing all files and folders.